Interfaces with Basic Education

In 2017, through the university extension projects “3rd Career Fair” and “Solo at School,” there was integration among professors and students from Graduate Program in Agronomy with basic education. The students from primary and lower secondary education were often received at the CPCS/UFMS to visit laboratories, greenhouse experiments, experimental areas, and classrooms.

In 2018, there was the integration of professors and graduate students with primary education through the university extension projects “Training for Agronomy and Forest Engineering undergraduate courses”, “Vegetable Garden at School”, “4th Career Fair” and “Dissemination Campaign of the undergraduate courses and admission procedure to the CPCS/UFMS”.

In 2018 and 2019, the integration of undergraduate and graduate courses with primary education continued to increase through the PIBIC-Jr scholarships. Professor Paulo Eduardo Teodoro acted as supervisor for seven students from High School “Augusto Krug Neto”, Chapadão do Sul. All students were recipients of PIBIC-Jr scholarships, and they work whitin the project “Training for undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering: emphasis on mathematics and physics”. The undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering have high drop-out rates of university students in their initial phase. Among the main reasons for that is stands out the lack of preparation of students during high school for the initial subjects of calculation and physics in the undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering. This project aims to train students by using an alternative way to present the contents that will be seen at the beginning of the undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering, decreasing the drop-out rates at the beginning of these courses. The scholarship recipients were: Ingrid Danielli da Silva Pereira, Jose Jamerson da Silva da Cruz, José Silvado Santos da Silva, Vian Louveira, Vanessa Citron, Julia Almeida Souza and Laura Araújo Borges.

Professor Charline Zaratin Alves also mentored four students from the High School “Jorge Amado”, Chapadão do Sul. The students were recipients of PIBIC-Jr scholarship within the project “Physiological quality of soybean seeds in the region of Chapadão do Sul – MS”. The scholarship recipients were: Thaellysa Lima Rufino de Melo, João Victor Rosa Ferreira, Bruna Beatriz Cândido Correia and Vitor Hugo Menezes Bonfim.

Professor Paulo Carteri Coradi acted as supervisor of the student Vinícius Caetano from High School “Industrial Technical College of Santa Maria – CTISM”. This student was a scholarship recipient (CNPq – PIBIC EM – Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program – High School) within the project “Sensor for quality monitoring of grain stored in silos”. (Undergraduate student in Computer Technician for Internet Integrated to High School) – CTISM/UFSM, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

In 2019, the professors and master students from the Graduate Program in Agronomy acted continually in interface with the primary education through the university extension projects “Training for undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering”, “Vegetable Garden at School”, and “5th Career Fair”. These university extension projects aimed to guide the high school students about the undergraduate courses in Agronomy, Forest Engineering, and Administration offered at CPCS/UFMS. Besides, these projects addressed the job possibilities and the main knowledge required at the beginning of these undergraduate courses. Physics and Mathematics were highlighted because they are the subjects responsible for the most of the drop-out rate that occurs in the mentioned undergraduate courses. The results obtained with these university extension projects were presented in the 1st Week of the School of Extension, and it was attended by students from the Graduate Program in Agronomy, and 160 students from High School “Jorge Amado”.