Integration with undergraduate courses

The professors and students from the Graduate Program in Agronomy have outstanding integration with the undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering offered at CPCS/UFMS. The members of the Graduate Program in Agronomy cooperate with extracurricular activities in the Agricultural Sciences courses (Agronomy and Forest Engineering) and collaborate with course completion work development. Undergraduate students with scientific initiation scholarships (PIBIC), technological development scholarship (PIBITI), tutorial education (PET) or interns, participate in activities within the research lines of the Graduate Programa in Agronomy together with the graduate students, supervised by the professors.

In 2017, the number of scientific initiation researches (SI) and course completion work (CCW) supervised by the professors from the Graduate Program in Agronomy was: Aguinaldo José Freitas Leal (1 SI), Cassiano Garcia Roque (1 SI, 15 PET, and 5 CCW ), Charline Zaratin Alves (2 SI and 2 CCW), Cid Naudi Silva Campos (3 SI and 4 CCW), Elisângela de Souza Loureiro (2 SI and 3 CCW), Fabio Henrique Rojo Baio (3 SI and 3 CCW), Josué Bispo da Silva (1 SI and 5 CCW), Morel de Passos Carvalho (1 SI), Nerison Luis Poersh (1 SI and 1 CCW), Paulo Coradi (5 SI), Rita de Cássia Felix Alvarez (2 SI and 1 CCW) , Sebastião Ferreira de Lima (5 SI and 18 CCW).

In 2018, the number of undergraduate students and course completion work supervised by professors from the Graduate Program in Agronomy was:

1) Prof. Alan Mario Zuffo (2 SI) supervised the undergraduate students: Karen Annie Dias de Morais (Doses of rock dust in soybean culture), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Werverth Costa Martins (Use of silicon to mitigate the effect of water deficit in cover crops), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer.

2) Professor Cassiano Garcia Roque (2 SI, 18 PET, and 2 CCW), supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Edvar Lopes Nantes Júnior (Analysis of organic matter and soil pH using geostatistics in sugarcane production area), student in Agronomy, CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Abel Pereira Lima Soares (Soil physical characteristics and soybean agronomic performance influenced by cover crops and limestone doses), student in Agronomy, CPCS/UFMS-CNPq. This professor also supervised undergraduate students in their course completion works (CCW): Jéssica Ferreira Diniz (Biomass and soil microbial activity in soybean cultivation area under different cover crops and management of soil corrections), student in Agronomy, CPCS/UFMS; Ricardo Gustavo Schutz (Residual effect of chemical soil conditioners on soybean (Glycine Max L.) grown under no-tillage and conventional systems), student in Agronomy, CPCS/UFMS. Besides, Professor Roque acts tutoring in the Tutorial Education Program (PET) of the undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering at CPCS/UFMS. The PET has 12 scholarship students and 6 non-scholarship students currently. Scholarship students: Sergio Pereira Filho (student in Agronomy), Igor Libório Freitas (student in Agronomy), Daiane Rezende da Fonseca (student in Forest Engineering), Marcos Paulo de Oliveira Cunha (student in Agronomy), Luca Gomes Nunes (student in Forest Engineering), Willian Meniti Paschoalete (student in Agronomy) ), Marcus Vinicius Vieira Borges (student in Forest Engineering), Mariana Vale dos Santos (student in Agronomy), Bruno Henrique Florio Silva (student in Agronomy), Manuel Pereira Lima Soares (student in Agronomy), Henrique Moura Barbosa (student in Agronomy), Webert Gonçalves Pinto (student in Forest Engineering). Non-scholarship holders: Abel Pereira Lima Soares (student in Agronomy), Luiza Naves Silva Roriz (student in Agronomy), Regimar Garcia dos Santos (student in Agronomy), Jorge Xavier da Silva (student in Agronomy), Loayne Carvalho de Souza (student in Forest Engineering), Alexsandra Nogueira Martins Silva (student in Forest Engineering).

3) Professor Charline Zaratin Alves (4 SI) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Elicia Lidiane Santos da Silva (Overcoming dormancy in macaw palm seeds), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Victor Silva Pereira (Gibberellin in seed germination and initial seedling development of Pinnus elliottii), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Graziely Alves Nogueira (Seed treatment with thiamine and niacin and its effects on quality, physiology and initial development of corn seedlings), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Valdinei Teodoro da Silva (Biofortification of pepper with selenium: fruit production and physiological quality of seeds), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq.

4) Professor Cid Naudi Silva Campos (4 SI and 4 CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Romulo Donizete Job Pereira (Correlation among nitrogen doses, green color index and chlorophyll in corn plants in the presence and absence of silicon), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Mateus Pritsch Da Silva Prates (Silicon and excess nitrogen in corn: Physiological and nutritional parameters), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CAPES; Luiza Naves Silva Roriz (Silicon and nitrogen doses in corn plants grown in off-season: physiological aspects), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Vitoria Fatima Bernardo (Silicon and excess nitrogen in corn: Photosynthetic parameters), student in Agronomy CPCS/UFMS-CAPES. Professor Campos also supervised students in the course completion works: Rafael Arenhart (Boron content in soil according to sources and doses) student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; William Henrique Rodrigues Aguiar (Symptoms of boron excess in soybean plants (Glycine max)), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Romulo Donizete Job Pereira (Correlation among nitrogen doses, green color index and chlorophyll in corn plants in the presence and absence of silicon), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Zilnete Alves (Boron in mahogany seedlings: physiological and nutritional aspects), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS.

5) Professor Elisângela de Souza Loureiro (2 SI) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Francisco Mendes de Oliveira Neto (Effect of Metarhizium anisopliae (Clavicipitaceae) on Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera)), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Ricardo Alexandre de Souza Tosta (Interaction of the parasitoid of Cotesia flavipes caterpillars with the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (metsch.) sorok. (Ascomycota: Clavicipitaceae)), CPCS/UFMS-CNPq.

6) Professor Fabio Henrique Rojo Baio (6 SI, 2 CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Raisa Saraiva Borges (Influence of soybean sowing at variable rate on productivity and phenological variables of the culture), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; João Vitor Pereira Ferreira Fontoura (Foliar boron absorption through the effects of deposition and drift mobility on soybean culture), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Gustavo Figueiredo Fonseca (Use of multispectral sensor to estimate the application rate in maize crop as a function of plant population), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Renato Schneider Junior (Influence of corn seeding at a variable rate on its phenological and productivity variables) Agronomy – UFMS; Karen Annie Dias De Morais (Evaluation of the useful life and effects of wear of stainless steel hydraulic tips on agricultural spraying), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Tulio Henrique Dresch Martins (Multispectral sensor for estimating the application rate of agricultural spraying on cotton crops), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq. In addition, the Professor Baio also supervised students in the course completion works: Victor Silva Pereira (Drop size in the phytosanitary control for potato), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Alex Rogers Aguiar Zanin (Evaluation of the useful life of hydraulic tips on agricultural spraying), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS.

7) Professor Josué Bispo da Silva (2 CCW), supervised undergraduate students in the course supplement works (CSW): Mikaella Cristina de Paula Taniai (Electrical conductivity in seeds of Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub. (Fabaceae)), CPTL/UFMS; Rosiani Ramos Lemos Brinck (Overcoming dormancy in Abelmoschus esculentus seeds), CPTL/UFMS.

8) Professor Paulo Coradi (4 SI) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Jonatas Ibagé Steinhaus (Development of a system for quality monitoring of grain stored in silos), UFSM – FIT BIT – Technological Innovation Incentive Fund, Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria – CNPq; Amanda Müller (Post harvesting and rice processing), FAPERGS – PROBITI – Institutional Technological Development and Innovation Initiation Scholarship Program), Agricultural Engineering – Federal University of Santa Maria, Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul; Guilherme Abreu Coelho de Souza (By-products not used from soybean post-harvest for animal feed), technological development scholarship (CNPq – PIBITI), Agricultural Engineering – Federal University of Santa Maria; Letícia de Oliveira Carneiro (Validation of a technological system of soybean drying and storage of soy beans), CNPq – PIBIC – Institutional Scientific Initiation Program), Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria.

9) Professor Paulo Eduardo Teodoro (10 SI) supervised undergraduate students: Marcela da Silva Flores (Selection of nitrogen-efficient corn varieties), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Abel Pereira Lima Soares (Adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars at different sowing times in Chapadão do Sul-MS), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, CAPES; Marcela Silva Flores (Selection of nitrogen-efficient corn varieties), studante in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Renan Massambani Peres (Selection of early and high-yielding soybean populations for the Chapadões region), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CAPES; Marcus Vinicius Vieira Borges (Correlation between growth variables and vegetation rates in eucalyptus species), Foresty Engineering, CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Willian Meniti Pachoalete (Relationship between vegetation indices and agronomic variables of corn varieties), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Rafael Oliveira Pontel (Use of selection indexes as auxiliary tool in the genetic improvement of soybean), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Janielle de Oliveira Garcia (Sample design for the evaluation of diameter and height in eucalyptus species), Foresty Engineering, CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Igor Rafael Assis Reis (Diallel analysis in generations of soybean populations in F2), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Marcus Paulo de Oliveira Cunha (Forage production of maize planted in pure stand and intercropped with pigeon pea and ‘Mombaça’ grass), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer.

10) Professor Rafael Felippe Ratke (2 SI) supervised undergraduate students: Matheus Liber de Godoy (Monitoring of soil moisture in soybean cultivars under center pivot), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, CNPq-PIBIC; Lidiane Larissa Yokota (Soy and corn productivity in integrated agroforestry system), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer.

11) Professor Ricardo Gava (3 SI) supervised undergraduate students: Victor Tobal da Silva (Economic viability of field irrigation for eucalyptus cultivation), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Victor Tobal da Silva (Agricultural zoning for the soybean-corn production system at Cerrado of Mato Grosso do Sul), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Edson Divino Alves da Silva (Demand for water in eucalyptus culture), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer.

12) Professor Rita de Cássia Felix Alvarez (2 SI, 3 CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Dayanne Cristina Reis Camelo (Soluble silicon nanosilica application through by soil in grain sorghum), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq. Dayanne Cristina Reis Camelo (Silicon applied through by soil in mineral nutrition of rice plants), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq. In addition, the Professor Alvarez also supervised students in the course completion works: Felipe Gomes Souza (Co-inoculation and application methods for Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Azospirillum brasilense associated with nitrogen fertilization in soybean culture), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Bruno Santos Archilla (Azospirillum brasilense thorugh by leaf and furrow made available at different stages in the corn crop), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Leonardo Bezerra da Silva (Leaf silicon contribution to soybean nutrition and productivity), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS.

13) Professor Sebastião Ferreira de Lima (5 SI, 5 CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Otávio Rocha Ribeiro (Phytosociology of weeds in the succession of corn in direct sowing with different plant coverings), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS ; Vinícius Andrade Seco (CO2 emissions from cultivated soil with corn in succession to different vegetable coverings), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Jordana Dias Martins (Phytosociology of weeds in the succession of corn in direct sowing with different plant coverings.), student in Agronomy-CPCS/UFMS; Ilvan Pereira de Almeida; Edson Maicon Pinto Fortes. In addition, he guided the students in the course conclusion works: Vinícius Andrade Secco (Application of Azospirillum brasilense associated with biostimulant in soybean), student in Agronomy – UFMS; Otávio Rocha Ribeiro (Nitrogen fertilization, use of Azospirillum brasilense and biostimulant in onion), Agronomia UFMS; Jordana Dias Martins (Phytosociology of weeds in rotating soybean and corn environments and different vegetable coverings), Agronomy – UFMS; Dilvan Pereira de Almeida (Nitrogen installment and nitrogen distribution during garlic cycle), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS; Edson Maicon Pinto Fortes (Quality of technological attributes of four sugarcane varieties cultivated in irrigated and dryland management.), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS.

14) Professor Aguinaldo José Freitas Leal (1 SI) supervised undergraduate students: Mariel Gomes Silva Soares (Types of seedlings and substrates in Tifton 85 grass (Cynodon spp.) production), student in Agronomy – UFTM.

15) Professor Nerison (1 SI) supervised undergraduate students: Abel Pereira Lima Soares (Adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars at different sowing times in Chapadão do Sul-MS), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS.


In 2019/2020, the number of undergraduate students and course completion work supervised by the PProgram’s professors was:

1) Professor Alan Mario Zuffo (x SI, x CCW) until his discontinuity of collaboration (10/23/2019) supervised undergraduate students.

2) Professor Cassiano Garcia Roque (x SI, x PET, xxx CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Abel Pereira Lima Soares (see title), student in Agronomy, CPCS/UFMS-CNPq. This professor also supervised undergraduate students in their course completion works (CCW). In addition, Professor Roque acts tutoring in the Tutorial Education Program (PET) of the undergraduate courses of Agronomy and Forest Engineering at CPCS/UFMS. The PET has 12 scholarship students and 6 non-scholarship students currently. Scholarship students: Sergio Pereira Filho (student in Agronomy), Igor Libório Freitas (student in Agronomy), Marcos Paulo de Oliveira Cunha (student in Agronomy), Willian Meniti Paschoalete (student in Agronomy), Mariana Vale dos Santos (student in Agronomy), Bruno Henrique Florio Silva (student in Agronomy), Manuel Pereira Lima Soares (student in Agronomy), Henrique Moura Barbosa (student in Agronomy). Non-scholarship holders: Abel Pereira Lima Soares (student in Agronomy), Luiza Naves Silva Roriz (student in Agronomy), Regimar Garcia dos Santos (student in Agronomy), Jorge Xavier da Silva (student in Agronomy), Loayne Carvalho de Souza (student in Forest Engineering), Alexsandra Nogueira Martins Silva (student in Forest Engineering).

3) Professor Charline Zaratin Alves (1 SI) ) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants: Grazielly Alves Nogueira (student in Agronomy – CNPQ/PIBIC).

4) Professor Cid Naudi Silva Campos (x SI, x CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants:

5) Professor Elisângela de Souza Loureiro (x SI and xx CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants:

6) Professor Fabio Henrique Rojo Baio (x SI and x CCW) ) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants:

7) Professor Josué Bispo da Silva (xx CCW) ) supervised undergraduate students in their course completation works (CCW):

8) Professor Paulo Coradi (x SI and x CCW) ) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation grants:

9) Professor Paulo Eduardo Teodoro (12 SI, 6 SI-Junior, and 5 CCW) supervised undergraduate students: Marcela da Silva Flores (Selection of nitrogen-efficient corn varieties), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Abel Pereira Lima Soares (Adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars at different sowing times in Chapadão do Sul-MS), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, CAPES; Marcela Silva Flores (Selection of nitrogen-efficient corn varieties), studante in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CNPq; Renan Massambani Peres (Selection of early and high-yielding soybean populations for the Chapadões region), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS-CAPES; Marcus Vinicius Vieira Borges (Correlation between growth variables and vegetation rates in eucalyptus species), Foresty Engineering, CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Willian Meniti Pachoalete (Relationship between vegetation indices and agronomic variables of corn varieties), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Rafael Oliveira Pontel (Use of selection indexes as auxiliary tool in the genetic improvement of soybean), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Janielle de Oliveira Garcia (Sample design for the evaluation of diameter and height in eucalyptus species), Foresty Engineering, CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Igor Rafael Assis Reis (Diallel analysis in generations of soybean populations in F2), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer; Marcus Paulo de Oliveira Cunha (Forage production of maize planted in pure stand and intercropped with pigeon pea and ‘Mombaça’ grass), student in Agronomy – CPCS/UFMS, volunteer.

10) Professor Rafael Felippe Ratke (x SI and x CCW) supervised undergraduate students:

11) Professor Ricardo Gava (x SI and xx CCW) supervised undergraduate students:

12) Professor Rita de Cássia Felix Alvarez (x SI and xx CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scholarships for scientific initiation:

13) Professor Sebastião Ferreira de Lima (x SI and x CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation scholarships:

14) Professor Jorge Gonzalez Aguilera (x SI and x CCW) supervised undergraduate students with scientific initiation scholarships:


This interaction among professor and students from the Graduate Program in Agronomy and undergraduate students has aroused a significant motivation for undergraduate students to be interested in research development and to continue their studies at the graduate level at CPCS/UFMS or other universities. Another important point concerns to the events. In 2019, there was the “II Week of Academic Studies of the CPCS”, with the participation of undergraduate students in Agronomy, Forest Engineering, and Administration (CPCS undergraduate courses) and students from the Graduate Program in Agronomy. This allowed the contact of students with relevant and current topics of national scientific research.

The performance of former scientific initiation scholarship holders in graduate studies has been excellent, and it can be seen that their degree time is generally shorter, due to the continuity of their research work. The seminars presented by graduate students have been attended by undergraduate students, given the interest, they arouse. The knowledge and results generated by the research are passed on to undergraduate students since all supervisors and professors who work in our graduate program also work in undergraduate courses.

The teaching internship, which is mandatory for the PProgram’s fellows, has allowed to the graduate students the experience of preparing and teaching undergraduate classes, always under the supervision of the professor responsible for the discipline, contributing to the training of future teachers.


Therefore, the Graduate Program in Agronomy has encouraged the involvement of undergraduate students in various activities, being an implemented and effective policy, whose objective has been to contribute to the academic education of undergraduate students, as well as to awaken them to continue their studies, aiming scientific and technological development.

Teaching internship

According to CAPES guidance, scholarship students carry out their teaching internship at graduation, helping to conduct theoretical and practical classes in the field and laboratory. In addition to CAPES fellows, many Fundect fellows have proposed to carry out the teaching internship, even though, for these students, it is not a mandatory activity.

This experience has been very positive for graduate students, as they have the opportunity to live unique experiences within the classroom, learning from mistakes, and dealing with different situations. This experience prepares them for future teaching tests in teaching competitions or interviews of another nature in selective tests. Besides, undergraduate students have been motivated by the participation of graduate students in classes, respecting and encouraging them.

The subject Teaching Internship comprises 30 h / class and is offered under the supervision of a teacher who is responsible for disciplines in the undergraduate course in Agronomy, and the activities are always carried out with the presence of the supervising professor in the classroom.

In 2017, the following teaching internships were held in the undergraduate courses in Agronomy:

Teaching internship is a tool that has enabled greater interaction between undergraduate and graduate students and between the professor of the discipline and the graduate student. Furthermore, to providing the opportunity for contact with teaching in higher education. In this sense, the teaching internship has contributed substantially to the solidification of knowledge and didactic training of graduate students, as well as allowing the understanding of deficiencies related to the educational practices of graduate students, making them seek alternatives for address their weaknesses in this respect.